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2020-11-12 14:45 博信教育 189

  第1题 Jiang:Take a seat here,Mr.Green.
  Green:__________.Oh,the dishes look SO nice!
  A.All right B.Thank you C.I see D.You’re weleome
  第2题 Man:Don’t you think that’S expensive?
  Man:__________.That’S the best price in town.
  Woman:0K.I’ll take it.
  A.Not at all B.Believe it or not C.It’s impossible D.It’S cheap
  第3题 Ann:Why are you so restless?
  Zhao:I feel nervous about the interview.
  Zhao:But I can’t help feeling worried.
  Ann:Don’t worry.You’ll do very well.
  A.Take your time B.Take it easy C.Don't worry D.Never mind
  第4题 Michael:You look depressed today,John.What’s up?
  John:Mom called me just now.She told me my grandpa die,d yesterday.
  A.Oh,I,m sorry to hear that B.Really?Congratulationb
  C.How did he die D.I don't believe it
  第5题 Host:__________.Let’S try the food.
  Guest:Are they all authentic Chinese food?
  Host:Yes,this is preserved e99.
  A.Come B.Come on C.Go ahead D.Welcome
  第6题 Nurse:Doctor Smith’S Surgery.__________?
  Patient:Yes,I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor.
  A.Who are you B.What do you want C.Who is it D.Can I help you
  第7题 Susan:__________,Li.Can you tell me the correct time?
  Li:It’s exactly nineo clock by my watch.
  Susan:Well,I have an appointment at 9:30.Well,I've got to run.Bye,Li.
  A.Pardon me B.Excuse me C.Sorry D.Thanks
  第8题 Jim:Oh,dear.__________?
  Kitty:Someone did call.But there was 80 much noises I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
  A.Did you call me B.Any messages for me
  C.Did you forget to call me D.Did you leave a message to me
  第9题 Salesman:Of the two houses we saw today,which do you__________?
  Customer:I think the white one is prettier,but the brick one has a big yard,SO I like it better.
  A.prefer B.like C.buy D.dislike
  第10题 Greg:Hi,Karen.I have tickets to a concert at Carnegie Hall.It starts at 8:00.
  A.Sure,but I have to prepare for the exam B.Thank you all the same
  C.Leave it to me,I assure you D.I'm afraid I can’t make it by then

  Nonverbal(非语言的)communication has to do with gestures,movements and closeness
  of two people when they are talkin9.The scientists say that those gestures,movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry.
  For example,the body distance between two speakers can be important.North Americans often complain that South Americans are unfriendly because they tend to stand close to the North American when speakin9,while the South American often considers the North American to be“cold”or“distant”because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to.The“eye contact”provides another example of wha.t we aye calling nonverbal communication.Scientists have observed that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than there is between people who don’t like each other.The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at your eyes indicates the amount of interest he has in the things you are talking about.
  On the other hand,too long a gaze can make people uncomfortable.The eyes apparently play a great part in nonverbal communication.Genuine warmth or interest,shyness or confi-dence can often be.seen in the eyes.We do not always consider a smile to be a sign of friendli-ness.Someone who is always smilin9,and with little apparent reasons,often makes US uneasy.
  第11题 According to the passage,nonverbal communication__________ .
  A.is a method often used by people who cannot speak
  B.can tell something that words cannot
  C.can be used to talk with people who cannot bear
  D.is less used than words
  第12题 The South American__________ .
  A.tends to keep a distance between himself and the person he is speaking to
  B.usually stands close to the person he is talkin9.to
  C.is often unfriendly when speaking
  D.is often cold and distant when speaking
  第13题 Which of the following is NOT true?
  A.Less eye contact suggests distance in relation.
  B.The longer one looks at you,the more interest he has in you.
  C.There is more eye contact between people who like each other.
  D.Shorter eye contact shows more interest in what one is talking about.
  第14题 Too long a gaze__________ .
  A.may upset people being looked at
  B.shows one’s great eonfidence
  C.indicates one’S interest in the talk
  D.tells you,how friendly one is
  第15题 Constant smiling without apparent reason__________ .
  A.is a sign of one’S friendliness B.is a sign of one’S unfriendliness
  C.makes people feel happy D.makes people feel uncomfortable

A well-documented body of information existing shows that noise call affect human in both physiological and psychological ways.
  Hearing losses in particular occupations such as boiler-making and construction work are well known.In fact,however,we all find heating more difficult as our age.Young ears can distinguish a wide range of sounds from low to very high frequencies,while older ears lose the ability to distinguish high-pitched sounds.A comparison of some industrialized versus non- industrialized peoples suggests that this hearing loss may not be the must-be result of old age.
  Furthermore,a closer examination of other data reveals economic effects.For instance,airports are currently operating at less capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation.Job performance can be seriously affected by loud noise,especially if accu-racy and mental effort are involved.The use of outdoor areas for conversation is not possible for an estimated 5 to 10 million people who live or work in urban areas.When interference with television or speech or sleep is included,as many as 22 to 44 miHion people cab be said to have lost part of the use of their homes and grounds because of noise.Thus noise pollution is a serious environmental concern.Much more effort should be made to waru people of the grave effects which may stop from an excessively noisy environment.
  第16题 Boiler-making and construction work are given as examples of__________ .
  A.noisy and hearing-affecting working environment
  B.successful control of noise pollution
  C.noise of very low or high frequencies
  D.sources of high-pitched sound
  第17题 According to the passage,the fact that many people have poorer hearing when they grow old is.
  A.the must-be result of old age.
  B.probably related to the long-time exposure to loud noise
  C.because they cannot distinguish high-pitched sounds
  D.because their gays aye no longer young
  第18题 Because of noise pollution,many airports__________ .
  A.have to operate for a longer time
  B.can not operate any longer
  C.have to reduce their operation hours
  D.have to close earlier than usual
  第19题 Because of the loud noise,millions of people in urban areas__________ .
  A.cannot watch TV
  B.cannot have normal conversations in outdoor areas
  C.cannot sleep well during the night
  D.cannot give speech in public
  第20题 The best title for the passage might be__________ .
  A.Economic Cohsequences of Noise
  B.Ways of Controlling Noise
  C.Sources of Loud Noise
  D.Noise Pollution

Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind.
  According to recent polls sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy.Psychologists have been study-ing the factors that contribute to happiness.It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy.The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feel-ings.
  A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness.Though both may contribute,they are only chief factors if the person is seriously under-educated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs.
  The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes.People with college educations are somewhat happier than those who did not gra-duate from high school,and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportuni-ty to control their lives.Yet people with a high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education.
  Poor health does not rule out happiness except for the severely debilitated or those in pain.Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness.Those with a good sex lifeare happier in general,but those who have a loving affectionate relationship are happier than those who rely on sex alone.Love has a higher correlation with happiness than any other factor.
  It should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have,and they are happiest when they feel they are increasing their level no matter where it stands at a given time.
  Children whose parents were happily married have happier childhoods but are not nece—ssarily happier adults.
  The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate frustration,to have a personal involvement and commitment,and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
  第21题 According to the article,happiness is greatly dependent upon__________ .
  A.happy childhood
  B.great wealth
  C.a feeling that conditions are improving over what they were
  D.a college degree
  第22题 Which of the following is most likely to contribute to happiness?
  A.Being exceptionally good lookin9. B.Having a lovin9,affectionate relationship.
  C.Having a good paying job. D.Meeting lots of people.
  第23题 Which of the following attitudes or feelings is most likely to be found in happy people?
  A.Having self-esteem. B.Being sure of keeping everything they already have.
  C.Never being jealous. D.Knowing how to be charming.
  第24题 The passage iS mainly about__________.
  A.the results of an opinion poll
  B.what constitute the.best formula for happiness
  C.the importance of wealth to happiness
  D.why some people are happy and some are riot
  第25题 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
  A.A happy person is most of the time in a good mood and happy.
  B.Most Americans are more or less happy while about 5%of Americans are not.
  C.People highly educated are not necessarily the happiest.
  D.The writer implies that there must be a best formula for happiness.

It is difficult to iniagine what life would be like without memory.The meanings of thou-sands of everyday perceptions,the bases for the decisions we make,and the roots of our habits and skiUs are to be found in our past experiences,which are brought into the present by memory.
  Memory call be defined as the dapacity to keep information available for later use.It includes not only“remembering”things like arithmetic or historical facts,but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves.Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.
  Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines.Computers,for example,contain devices for storing data for later use.It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being.The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up t0 100 000“words”一ready for instan.t use.An average U.S.teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about l00 000 words of English.However,this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored.Consider,for example,the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem.solving intelligence of human beings.A large part of a person’smemory is in terms of words.and combinations of words.
  第26题 According to the passage,memory is considered to be__________ .
  A.the basis for decision making and problem solving
  B.an ability to store experiences.for future use
  C.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings
  D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words
  第27题 The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that__________ .
  A.the computer's memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenager's
  B.the computer's memory capacity is much smaller that an adult human being's
  C.the computer's memory capacity is much smaller even than a teenager’s
  D.both A and B
  第28题 The whole passage implies that__________ .
  A.only human beings have problem—solving intelligence
  B.a person’s memory is different from a computer's in every respect
  C.animals are able to solve only very simple problems
  D.animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence
  第29题 The phrase“in terms of”in the last sentence can best be replaced by__________ .
  A.“in connection with” B.“expressed by”
  C.“consisting” D.“by means of”
  第30题 The title of the passage is__________
  A.What would life be like without memory?
  B.Memory is of vital importance to life.
  C.How is a person’s memory different from an animal's or a computer's?
  D.What is contained in memory?

  第31题 You should be able to__________ right from wron9..
  A.perceive B.distinguish C.sight D.observe
  第32题 __________ he first heard of the man referred to as an expert.
  A.That was from Nancy B.It was from Nancy that C.It was Nancy whom D.it was Nancy that
  第33题 Don’t you think it is time you__________ smoking?
  A.give up B.gave up C.would give up D.should give up
  第34题 I do not like having my hair__________.
  A.to cut B.be cut C.cutting D.cut short
  第35题 They are going to have the serviceman __________an electric fan in the office tomorrow.
  A.install B.to install C.to be installed D.installed
  第36题 His sister,Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.
  A.Dislike B.Unlike C.Alike D.Liking
  第37题 He would have paid__________ for the house if the sales girl had insisted because he really wanted it.
  A.twice as much B.much as twice C.as much twice D.twice much as
  第38题 You will never guess whom l__________ on the street yesterday.
  A.ran over B.ran out of C.ran into D.ran up to
  第39题 __________I saw was two men acrossing the street.
  A.What B.Whom C.Who D.That
  第40题 __________ more time,I cou.1d perform my duty more satisfactorily.
  A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.to be given

第41题 Are you looking forward__________ 0n your vacation?
  A.with going B.after going C.to going D.to go
  第42题 Thev dined at home instead of in a restaurant,for they looked for a table to sit down but they were all__________.
  A.engaged in B.deserved C.conserved D.reserved
  第43题 Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply__________ .
  A.appreciated B.approved C.appealed D.applied
  第44题 Nobody but a young woman__________ the airplane crash.
  A.endure B.rejected C.survived D.lived
  第45题 __________ ,I went back to my dormitory unhappy in the eveing.
  A.With anything done B.With something doing C.With nothing done D.With nothing having done
  第46题 He was fully__________ of his own shortcomings.
  A.sensitive B.sensible C.serious D.sincere
  第47题 After his leave,Alfred went back on duty to__________ his soldiers.
  A.in charge of B.charge C.be charge by D.take charge of
  第48题 We agreed to accept__________ they thought was the best tourist guide.
  A.whatever B.whomever C.whichever D.whoever
  第49题 It is not that I do not like plays.The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not__________the time.
  A.offer B.leave C.afford D.manage
  第50题 All the arrangements should have been completed prior__________ our departure.
  A.in B.to C.bv D.before

  第51题 Although these molecules allow radiation at visible at wave lengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emission(红外辐射)radiated from the Earth's surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.
  第52题 Directions:For this part.You are to write 100~120 words.You have to write your composition based on the outline given below in Chinese below
  请以“工作能杏带来快乐 ”为话题作文
  答案: ①There is no consensus of opinions among people as to why we work.
  ②Some people who are in favor of the idea of living to work hold that people should devote themselves to their work.
  ③The aim for which they work is to realize the value of life,to promote the development of society and to make more pebple live happy life.
  ④They make great contributions to society and at the same time they also find pleasure from their work.Therefore,they live to work.
  ⑤However,those who insist on working to live argue that working is a way of making a living.
  ⑥In their opinion,the purpose for which they work is to kill time or to make enough
  money to support themselves and their families.
  ⑦In addition,they often regard work as What they have to do.Thus,they don’t pick up pleasure and enjoyment from their work.
  ⑧In my viewpoint,we should not go to the extremes.
  ⑨since we are members of society,we should do what we can to better it so that we can live in more comfortable and more convenient surroundings.
  ⑩In a word,only when we realize that good life is an assurance of smooth work,can we live happily and work well.


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