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2021-02-05 18:52 博信教育 673

Directions: For this part ,you are given 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of My Favorite Pastime (娱乐). Your composition should be no less than 120 words.

参考答案:My Favorite Pastime

I usually spend my leisure time on various things such as watching TV, reading, swimming and playing table tennis. But if you ask me what's my favorite pastime, I would definitely say that it is playing computer games.

I like computer games and surfing on the Internet. Many people believe playing computer games is harmful to one' s health, especially to the eyes. But I don' t quite agree. I think playing computer games benefits me.

First, as a way of relaxation, it also gives me a sense of accomplishment. Secondly, I gain a lot of knowledge I cannot find in textbooks. For instance, when I played Civilization II, I began to realize the importance of science, because it was impossible to defeat the enemy in the game if you didn't develop science. Finally and most importantly, I have to use an English-Chinese dictionary from time to time because most of the games are in English. So the more games I play, the greater progress I make in English. The games are entertaining and instructive.

There is a huge amount of information there. It has become more and more popular and important. It is said that those who control the Internet will conquer the world in the future. That is perhaps an illusion but I want to be a master of the future.


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