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2020-11-12 14:50 博信教育 247

  第1题 Cincinnati:Are you working on your next book?If So,__________?
  Carol:It will be published irL September of 2013.
  A.when will it be out B.how is it going
  C.what will it be about D.what time can we read it
  第2题 Dora:Are you happy with your new job as the manager?
  Peter:__________,I am worried.I have more responsibility.
  A.Yes B.Sure C.On the contrary D.Above all
  第3题 Roger:Hurry up!We don’t have much time left.
  Dick:__________.We still have two hours.
  Roger:Come on!This is my first time ever to take a plane.I don’t want anything to go wrong.
  A.Go on B.Take it easy C.All right D.Look out
  第4题 Guest:Good evenin9.I'm Cad Smith.I made a reservation yesterday.Can I go to my room now?
  Receptionist:Yes,your room number is 905,overlooking the sea.__________.
  A.Come herel B.Here it is C.Here is your key D.Go ahead
  第5题 Clerk:Good afternoon.What can I do for you?
  Mary:__________post these photographs to Australia·
  Clerk:You can send them in a registered letter.
  A.1 want to B.I had to C.I'd like to D.I'm going to
  第6题 Mrs Thomson:Where shall we go this weekend?
  Fang:__________having a drive to the country.You have never been to a Chinese village,have you?
  Mrs Thomson:But we don’t have a car.
  Fang:Why not hire one?
  Mrs Thomson:Good idea!
  A.What is B.How is C.We’re D.What about
  第7题 Waiter:Good evening,madam.Would you like to sit here?
  Customer:__________.Have you got a menu,please?
  A.Very good B.Fine C.You’re welcome D.I'd like to
  第8题 Neal:I expect you could do with a cup of tea,couldn’t you?
  Sally:__________have a cup of coffee,if you don’t mind.
  A.1 want to B.I'd rather C.I like to D.I love to
  第9题 Frank:If it rains on Saturday,the party will be canceled.
  Tina:Oh,__________.We can always hold it indoors.
  A.it doesn’t matterl B.don’t worry C.all right D.take you time
  第10题 Student:1 was wondering if I could take four courses next semester.
  Advisor:__________?We already have such a heavy course load.
  A.Come on.Four is better than three
  B.Why don’t you choose three instead of four
  C.Dare you try to take four
  D.Don’t you believe four courses are OK

  On November 19,1 863,Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery.The Civil War was still going on.There was much criticism of President Lincoln at the time.He was not at all popular he had been invited to speak at Gettys-burg only out of politeness.The principal speaker was to be EdwardEverett,a famous states-man and speaker of the day.He ever was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.
  It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg.Late that night,alone in his hotel room and tired out,he again worked briefly on the speech.The next day Everett spoke first.He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes.His speech was a perfect exam-ple of the rich oratory of the day.Then Linc01.n rose.The crowd of l5 000 people at first paid little attention to him.He spoke for only nine minutes.At the end there was little applause.LincoIn turned to a friend and remarked,“I have failed again.”On the train back to Washind-ton,he said sadly,“That speech was a flat failure.and the people are disappointed.”
  Some newspapers at first criticized the speech.But little by little as people read the speech they began to understand better.They began to appreciate its simplicity and its deep meaning.It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.Today,every American school child learns Lincoln’S Gettysburg Address by heart.Now everyone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.
  第11题 In l863,Abraham Lincoln was__________ .
  A.very critical B.unpopular C.very popular D.very courteous
  第12题 Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he Was __________.
  A.a famous speaker B.a very handsome man
  C.President of the country D.a popular statesman
  第13题 It can be inferred from the text that__________ .
  A.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg
  B.Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn’t have much time to prepare his speech
  C.Lincoln’S speech was full of‘rich words
  D.Lincoln’speech was very long
  第14题 It was a fact that Lincoln’S speech was__________ .
  A.an imnl ediate success B.warmly applauded
  C.a total failure D.not well.received at first
  第15题 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
  A.Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address has deep meaning.
  B.Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is simple in style.
  C.Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American school child.
  D.Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever delivered in the United States.

Robin Hood is a familiar figure to most of US.The outlaw who robbed the rich to give to the poor and dwelt with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest has long been celebrated in both prose and poetry.On stage and screen,he has fascinated countless generations.Yet behind that popular character lurks a mystery:Wh0,exactly,was Robin Hood?Did he exist at all?
  The evidence for a real,livin9,breathing Robin Hood is rather weak.Records show that in thirteenth.century,England there were a number of people who answered to his name or to something close to it.Yorkshire birth records note the arrival of a Robin Hood who apparently died in infancy.Also,of Yorkshire was Robyn Hode,a servant to King Edward Ⅱ.The man known as Robert Hude is remembered only through a now almost illegible name on a grave stone.In Sussex,there was also Gilbert Robynhod,a man whose name appears often in the local sheriffs records for nonpayment of debts.
  Despite careful searches of local records by historians,there is little connecting any of these men to the legendary Robin Hood.Still,there just may be a grain of truth in the legend of Robin and his merry band.
  In the thirteenth century,England certainly had its share of outlaws.Perhaps the most famous was Hereward the Wake,the last Angl0—Saxon chief to resist the Norman Conquest of 1066.HereWard and countless others rebelled against Norman rule and fled into the thick forests that carpeted the English countryside.
  Not surprisingly,their adventures formed the basis of numerous stories and songs in which the figure of Robin Hood consistently played a key role.Robin is presence in so many different songs and stories has led to the belief that he probably did exist,although perhaps not in,such heroic form.
  第16题 It was discovered in Yorkshire birth records that.
  A.Robin Hood was once a servant to King Edward II
  B.there was a Robin Hood who died when he was a small babv
  C.Robin Hood was a name commonly used in thirteenth—century England
  D.the name of Robin Hood appeared often in the local sheriffs records
  第17题 An outlaw iS a person.
  A.who robs the rich to give to the poor
  B.who has broken the laws and fled
  C.who rebels against the government
  D.who iS a hero who sacrificed for his COUntnr
  第18题 The historians searched the local record in an attempt t0.
  A.prove the truthfulness of Robin Hood story
  B.look for the birth place of Robin Hood
  C.establish connection between Robin Hood and Hereward the Wake
  D.disclose the person who created the legendary Robin Hood
  第19题 According to the passage,the legend of Robin Hood probably originated __________.
  A.during the Anglo-Saxon period B.under the rule of King Edward Ⅱ
  C.during the Norman Conquest of 1066 D.in the thirteenth century
  第20题 Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?
  A.Robin Hood is a fascinating figure in British history.
  B.The popularity of Robin Hood has not died down.
  C.The legend of Robin Hood is a totally made.up one.
  D.People prefer to believe that Robin Hood did exist.

John F.Kennedy was,at 43,the youngest American to be elected president,and also the first Roman Catholic.John’S grandfather was a poor Irishman who migrated to America.This immigrant and his son,Joseph,accumulated wealth and political power.Thus,John Kennedy had the advantage of wealth family and good education.
  During World War Il,John F.Kennedy had an outstanding record in the Navy.After the war,Kennedy worked briefly as a newspaperman,and then entered politics.He was three times elected to the House of Representatives before becoming a senator from Massachusetts.In 1960 he was elected president in a very close race in which there were charges of irregularities.
  Kennedy’s term of office was highlighted by appeals to idealism,a broadened base of political participation,and improved civil right.In international affairs,Kennedy saw the failure of the American.backed invasion of Cuba,and the Cuban missile crisis which brought Russia and the United States to the brink of war.
  The Kennedy family has known triumph and tragedy.One of John Kennedy’S sisters was mentally retarded and an older brother was killed during a wartime aerial mission.John Kennedy was assassinated--as was his outspoken brother,Robert Kennedy.The family has suffered scandals of sex,alcohol,and drugs in both John’S generation and in this present genera-tion.Many believe that for the youn9,wealth and prominent family are more of a curse than a help.
  第21题 What makes John Kennedy such a famous president in American history?
  A.His grandfather was an Irish immigrant who made a fortune in US.
  B.Kennedv had made use of the family influence and wealth to become President.
  C.His prominent family brought a curse to his political career.
  D.He was the first Roman Catholic and youngest man to be elected President.
  第22题 It is NOT implied in paragraph 2 that__________ .
  A.John Kennedy was an excellent serviceman in the army during the World War ll
  B.Kennedy once took a job of journalist after the World Warll
  C.Many irregularities arose during Kennedy’S Administration
  D.Kennedy became a Congressman after he entered politics
  第23题 Which of the following is NOT true during Kennedy’S administration?
  A.More people are entitled to political participation.
  B.Kennedy witnessed his country’S failure in attempting to invade Cuba.
  C.The missile crisis with Russia started a war between the‘two countries.
  D.American people enjoyed a wider range of civil rights.
  第24题 From this passage,we can draw the conclusion that__________ .
  A.Kennedy’s experience of serving in the army made him a competent president
  B.Kennedy’s generation and his previous generation were struck with misfortune and disgrace
  C.Kennedy’s tough international policy toward Cuba had won widespread support in the country
  D.For the young,being born in a wealthy and famous family may not be a blessing from heaven
  第25题 What is the best topic of the passage?
  A.John Kennedy and His Prominent Family.
  B.The Political Influence of Kennedy Family.
  C.The Success of the Youngest American President.
  D.John Kennedy,the Most outstanding President.

Expectations for personal relationships differ greatly across cultures.It is important to know that most AmericanS value close friendships,they also value privacy and independence.From an American perspective,to have privacy or to give someone privacy is considered posi-tive.Yet。when the word“privacy”is translated into other languages(e.g.Russian,Arabic,and Japanese).it has more of a negative meaning.(In these languages“privacy”means aloneness or loneliness.)Therefore,the American’s need for privacy is sometimes judged negatively by those who have not been raised with the value of individualism.some Americans are isolated from others because they have taken their independence and privacy to an extreme.Others simply like spending time alone or at least having the freedom to avoid socializing if they choose.
  In any true friendship,whatever the culture may be, a person is expected to show interest and concen in a friend’S serious problems.But how does one show this across cuhures?It is not possible to generalize about Americans because there are SO manv varieties of Americans.but it is possible to say that many foreigners or newcomers from different cultures have felt disappointed by Americans.A common occurrence is when an American does not Dhone or visit as much.as the foreigner expects.If someone from another culture is having a serious problem,Americans may say,“Let me know if there’s anything l.can do to help.”If the Americans do not receive.a specific request,they may feel that there’s nothing they can do.In this case.They may call every now and then to stay in touch.The friend from a different culture,on the other hand,may be expecting“sympathy calls or frequent visits,and may not hesitate to demon.strate a dependence on a friend.Many Americans arc uncomfortable whrn people become too dependent.
  第26题 What do Americans lay emphasis on concerning expectations for personal relationships?
  A.Close friendships. B.Privacy.
  C.Valuable culture. D.Both A and B.
  第27题 If an American stays alone at weekend,most probably__________ .
  A.he is considered to be too individualistic
  B.he enjoys the freedom to avoid socializing
  C.he cannot get along with people from other cultures
  D.his or her vi.ews conflict with those of others who speak different languages
  第28题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph?
  A.Nomatter what the culture may be,a person should show interest and concem in a friend’S serious problems.
  B.It’s hard to form a general opinion about Americans because there are too manv varieties of them.
  C.Many foreigners or newcomers from different cultures aye disappointed bv Amedcans.
  D.Americans are always ready to offer help to foreigners even if they don’t receive a specific request.
  第29题 According to the passage,someone who telephones to give you a“sympathy call” wants to__________ .
  A.apologize for something he or she has done
  B.say that you are nice.
  C.show his or her concern for you
  D.show he or she does not hesitate to visit
  第30题 The author’purpose in writing this passage is to__________ .
  A.argue for the interdependence between Americans and foreigners
  B.give Americans independence
  C.offer advice on the communication across cuItures
  D.emphasize differences in the cross-cultural expectations for friendship

  第31题 The interpretation have no relation to the__________words spoken by the speaker.
  A.actual B.genuine C.factual D.real
  第32题 A lot of things__________ to be impossible in the past are very cominon now.
  A.considering B.considered C.to be considered D.was considered
  第33题 Though he spent much time on the last maths problem,yet he still couldn’t__________it.
  A.solve B.count C.reflect D.determine
  第34题 If one does not have respect for himself,__________ can not expect others to respect him.
  A.one B.you C.they D.we
  第35题 Since you won’t take advice,there is nO__________ in asking for it.
  A.place B.point C.reason D.way
  第36题 Mary did not have time to go to the concert yesterday because she was busy__________ for her examination.
  A.to prepare B.preparing C.to be prepared D.being prepared
  第37题 Peter,who had been driving all day,suggested__________ at the next town·
  A.to stop B.stopping C.stop D.having stopped
  第38题 The thief took the money from the old man by__________.
  A.enforce B.force C.accident D.strength
  第39题 The manager lost his__________ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.
  A.mood B.temper C.mind D.passion
  第40题 All __________is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
  A.which is needed B.the thing needed C.for our needs D.that is needed

第41题 I suggested that the students__________ each a plan for the summer vacations.
  A.would make B.will make C.make D.made
  第42题 We managed to deal with the situation before it__________ .
  A.tightened up B.got out of control C.lit up D.caught on
  第43题 Not once__________his view of life.
  A.did the gentleman mention B.the gentleman mention that
  C.the gentleman mentioned D.the gendeman does mention
  第44题 __________ it left to me to decide,1 would never hesitate to choose the former.
  A.If B.Were C.Had D.Should
  第45题 It was in that’small room__________ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to cone.
  A.where B.in which C.which D.that
  第46题 I wrote it down__________ I should forget it.
  A.in case of B.in case C.for fear of D.in order that
  第47题 __________ had I closed the door__________ somebody started knocking on it.
  A.As soon as;then B.Although;yet C.No sooner;than D.If;then
  第48题 Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the__________ charged on public transport were more reasonable.
  A.fees B.fares C.payments D.costs
  第49题 I'd like to take__________ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.
  A.profit B.benefit C.advantage D.occasion
  第50题 When she heard the bad news,she completely__________ .
  A.broke away B.broke up C.broke down D.broke out

  第51题 Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large, however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy's larger run growth potential if generalized demand pressures on prices are to be avoided.
  答案: 除非生产力的增长出人意料的大,不然实际产出的扩大终要开始减缓以适应经济的可持续发展,这样才能避免价格的综合需求压力。
  第52题Directions:For this part.You are to write 100~120 words.You have to write your composition based on the outline given below in Chinese below
  答案:①Books are the better channel for US to get the source of knowledge.
  ②Books can be easier for US to get the knowledge.
  ③Reading books is mueh cheaper and safer than travelin9.
  ④The radiation sent from computers does harm to our health.
  ⑤Computers will sometimes be dead.The information which hasn’t been stored will disappear.
  ⑥Reading books can give US relaxation for mediation.
  ⑦When you lie in bed and read your favorite book,you can release the preassure of the work and life.
  ⑧Many medical expels have already discovered that it is harmful to the body if too long time over the screen.


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